Wednesday, 12 June 2013

YMCA Swim to Survive

                           Learning to breathe to the side and swim
                            How long can you tread water for?
          The famous mushroom/umbrella break before switch up, on the last class.

      The boys Monkey in the Middle involved anywhere from 1 boy in the middle to 4 or 5. Whether
they were in the middle or on the ends they loved it, not sure about the life guard but he didn't stop it.

                                    Last swim class, class photo



Where do we see advertisements in the world around us?

                                Success Criteria for creating/developing your own product-
After watching a number of commercials, online advertisements and ads in magazines, we discussed what was interesting about them, what the students liked. Did they INFORM, ENTERTAIN or PERSUADE us to buy a product.
                    We developed the following Success Criteria for the students projects

                                 I would love to try these out Annabel and Dev.

                                     I'm sure people would love this Ashawnee!

               Very creative, interesting way for Cats and Dogs to solve a problem Max and Andrew

                    What an interesting idea, combining your love of horses and hockey.
                                     Nice and bright Sylvia and Grace!

                Do they come in extra long dangly versions Mackenzie and Lara?

                                    Interesting way for your pet to get around Eva and Emily
                                    Love the helmet feature for safety of your beloved pet!

What have we been up to - Procedural Writing

Procedural Writing - step by step instructions, telling someone how to do something
                                             Using terms - First, Next, Then, After, Finally

                                                         Final Procedural Writing Task
- Select something you know how to do and tell, explain to Mrs. Wood how to do it.
- You can include pictures with the writing
  A few examples-

                                               How to Do Procedural Writing - Love it Max!
                                               Sounds yummy Kamryn, great illustrations!

                                              How to Play Cricket - sounds like fun Dev!

                                                               Great instructions Nick!


Disco Chicks!

                                                            Pretty in Pink and Purple!

                                                                   Love the smiles!

                                                                        Go Canada!

                                                                      Stand Up Girls!

                                                                    Stand Up Boys!

                                                                     Love the Clips!

                                      Now our real set of Twins - matching outfits for the day

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Duntroon Highlands

It was a chilly, rainy and damp day but we had a blast at Duntroon Highlands. Luckily we were able to conduct all of our experiments indoors.
                           The boys are trying out some old school laundry and enjoying it!
                It's amazing how many students really enjoyed the laundry and wished they could do
                  laundry this way everyday, personally I'll stick with my front end loader.

Camden's Mom leading an experiment about oil spills and pollution in the water. How does it affect marine life and birds?

Max's Mom helping us learn about wind and weight.

                               Mackenzie's Grandma help us with our waterwheel experiment.
Water was poured through the top, the barrel spun, the spinning action would raise the washers on a hook.  Ashawnee's making sure the washers are set.

                                       How do we get water? Digging a well and learning about underground water.

     Ellie's Grandma helping us learn about fog, condensation and wind. Creating frosty clouds!? How did that happen?
Wind and direction

                                                       Warm and cool water, pressure

Look what we can do!

                                 How clean is that water and air?
                    Lara's Mom helps us screen it and magnify what
    is on the coffee filter, then vacuum up an air sample and magnify that too.


                                   Jim gives us a lesson (review of lessons from Mr. Kemsley)
   on levers, pulleys and movement.

                             At my station we "raced" cars on different surfaces (wood, plastic, carpet, sand
                    paper, sponge) at different inclines. We made predictions about speed, friction and inclines.

                      Building their balloon and toilet paper roll cars was definitely a highlight of the day.
 They couldn't wait to show Mr. Kemsley and I promised them races when the front foyer is available (it's surprisingly busy there).

                                                      Sylvia is ready to test our her car.

                                          Some more racing- on vinyl, paper and a shingle.