WELCOME to our classroom Blog!
Please check out the WEBSITES on the side bar, for fun and INTERACTIVE activities. Scroll down for more photos, play a little math game or feed our fish at the bottom
What we are going to be up to for the next month -
MATH - finish up Measurement - Measuring using standard and non-standard units of measuring, measure length and width, weight, capacity
-TIME - knowing how to recognize and tell time to the quarter hours, quarter after ___:15, half past ___:30, quarter to ___:45
-TEMPERATURE - recognizing differences in temperature, dressing for the weather, telling temperature, using degrees celcius
Begin GEOMETRY and SPATIAL SENSE- 2D and 3D shapes, distinguish attributes faces, size, texture, polygons, prisms, symmetry, compose and decompose shapes, construct a figure
LANGUAGE - plan for the next month
- Continued work on sentence development - adding details to strengthen writing and responses
- using part of the question in the response
- Procedural Writing - conveying step by step instructions to complete/do something using appropriate
terminology - First, Then, Next, Finally
- Fairy Tale Genera Investigation - identify features of a Fairy Tale
Guided Reading - read Fairy Tales
- Narrative Writing - Write a story plan, write a rough copy of students own fairy Tale, Teacher
Conference, Edit, Begin good copy
GUIDED READING - new reading selection every third or fourth time
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - read a book taking turns, individually, read to Mrs. Wood, read with a parent/grandparent volunteer in a group or individually
SOCIAL STUDIES - Reading, discuss and identify similarities and differences between Cultural Fairy Tales - Middle Eastern Tale - The Golden Sandal, Chinese Tale - She-Men,
- Canada and the World - Google Earth explorations, Maps, Cardinal Directions
- Continents, Countries, provinces, cities, towns, Oceans
ART - Art Show art work - colours warm and cool, mix media, Theme Valentines Day
PHYSICAL EDUCATION - Obstacle Courses - participate in, design (in a group), present the course
- on occasion participate with Kindergarten students model behaviour, sportsmanship, healthy habits, lead a small group in an activity(obstacle course)
DRAMA- read plays, assign roles, rehearse and perform for the class
SCIENCE - Mr. Kemsley
MUSIC - Mrs. Garbutt
A classroom calendar will be added, with special events and occasions.
Thanks for checking in! Please check in frequently for updates and pictures.
Take care,
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